We are well-known for supplying most categories of Blue Collar & White-Collar personnel.

Our Manpower capability caters to the increasing and complex requirements of Qatar’s regulations in the contracting sector. We have presently in Qatar around 300 personnel. Sigel International performs the recruitment directly at the source, thereby ensuring that staff selected meets the requirements and training to provide quality service to our clients and to ensure both the selection process and the treatment of workers are appropriate and are in line with the values of Seattle. We have a track record of recruiting thousands of management professionals, technical and non technical personnel, skilled, semi-skilled and un-skilled workers from among others India, Philippines, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

We are fully equipped for immediate supply of qualified, competent and experienced personnel according to the European standards. Our expertise in deployment of the right personnel at the right time brings us continued success in this competitive and growing economy. Is our quest to constantly improve our service to new clients and to strengthen relations with our existing long-term clients.
